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Usage: arp [-vn] [] [-i ] [-a] [] <-Display ARP cache arp [-v] [-i ] -d [pub][nopub] <-Delete ARP entry arp [-vnD] [] [-i ] -f [] <-Add entry from file arp [-v] [] [-i ] -s [temp][nopub] <-Add entry arp [-v] [] [-i ] -s [netmask ] pub <-''- arp [-v] [] [-i ] -Ds [netmask ] pub <-''- -a display (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) style -e display (all) hosts in default (Linux) style -s, --set set a new ARP entry -d, --delete delete a specified entry -v, --verbose be verbose -n, --numeric don't resolve names -i, --device specify network interface (e.g. eth0) -D, --use-device read from given device -A, -p, --protocol specify protocol family -f, --file read new entries from file or from /etc/ethers =Use '-H ' to specify hardware address type. Default: %s List of possible hardware types (which support ARP): arp: cant get HW-Address for `%s': %s. arp: device `%s' has HW address %s `%s'. arp: invalid hardware address %s: feature `%s' not supported. Please recompile `net-tools' with newer kernel source or full configuration. %s: hardware type not supported! %s: address family not supported! arp: %s: unknown address family. arp: %s: unknown hardware type. arp: %s: kernel only supports 'inet'. arp: %s: hardware type without ARP support. arp: cannot open etherfile %s ! arp: format error on line %u of etherfile %s ! arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s ! +I18N AF: (inet) +UNIX +INET +INET6 +IPX +AX25 +NETROM +X25 +ATALK +ECONET +ROSE HW: (ether) +ETHER +ARC +SLIP +PPP +TUNNEL +TR +AX25 +NETROM +X25 +FR +ROSE +ASH +SIT +FDDI +HIPPI +HDLC/LAPB ҥФФפФФФ6ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ[ФФtФФФФФФåФҥФФ'6Ф_Tv\Vdahdoftn|sAHihDN UNSPECUNIX DomainDARPA InternetIPv6AMPR AX.25AMPR NET/ROMNovell IPXAppletalk DDPEconetCCITT X.25AMPR ROSEAsh ..%s (%s) ,Unknown address family `%s'. ddpnetromtcpipPlease don't supply more than one address family. Too much address family arguments. Malformed Ash address%1x[NONE SET]/proc/sys/net/ashI^ds8/nj%s: %s Invalid callsignCallsign too long-%d/proc/net/ax25%d/%d/proc/net/appletalk/proc/sys/net/econetLocal LoopbackVJ Serial Line IPVJ 6-bit Serial Line IPAdaptive Serial Line IPEthernetHIPPIgeneric X.25IPIP TunnelPoint-to-Point Protocol(Cisco)-HDLCLAPBARCnetFrame Relay DLCIFrame Relay Access DeviceIPv6-in-IPv4IrLAP16/4 Mbps Token Ring16/4 Mbps Token Ring (New)InfiniBandFiber Distributed Data Interface%02X:infinibanddefaultnetstattcpudprawgetaddrinfo: %s: %d getnameinfo failed [UNKNOWN]/proc/net/if_inet6/proc/net/ndiscND Tablend_printKernel IPv6 Neighbour Cache %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s%s/%dRUNKNOWN(%02x) %-9ld * %-7ld /proc/net/ipv6_routeKernel IPv6 routing table GHDA%s: no support for `%s' on this system. Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags Ref State Neighbour HW Address Iface Flags Ref State Stale(sec) Delete(sec) %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %02x %02x %02x %08lx %08lx %08lx %04x %04x %04lx %8s %2s%2s%2s%2s%2s%2s %-43s %-17s %-8s %-5s %-3d %-16sINET6 (IPv6) not configured in this system. Destination Next Hop Flags Metric Ref Use Iface %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %02x %4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s%4s %08x %08x %08x %08x %s %-43s %-39s %-5s %-6d %-2d %7d %-8s Usage: inet6_route [-vF] del Target inet6_route [-vF] add Target [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If] inet6_route [-FC] flush NOT supported Flushing `inet6' routing table not supported metricgwgatewaymoddynSIOGIFINDEXSIOCDELRTSIOCADDRTNONE%08lX%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X/proc/net/ipx%08lX:%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02x:%02x:%02x:%02xirda%02X-unspecloop/proc/net/nrYou cannot start PPP with this program. ppp%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x/proc/net/roseNode address must be ten digitssitcslipcslip6adaptiveSTRIP_set_disc(%d): %s %02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02xstripMetricom Starmode IP%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02Xtrtunnel/proc/net/unix%d.%d.%dout of virtual memory Invalid address/proc/net/x25Address can't exceed eighteen digits with sigdigits/proc/net/x25/routeKernel X.25 routing table Destination Iface * %-5s %s/%*d %-5s X.25 not configured in this system. Usage: x25_route [-v] del Target[/mask] [dev] If x25_route [-v] add Target[/mask] [dev] If Flushing `x25' routing table not supported Modifying `x25' routing cache not supported route: netmask doesn't match route address route: bogus netmask %d arcnet%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02Xfddi%idlcifradhdlclapbhippi;0eDwHhD$t Ė<d\|4$ $,dHdD|tĠ T8DP4pTt tD\|dԭ4(D@d4|TtԿT , L h d D D  0 H ` $x d   t8 dX p  T  D$ < $T dp  4 d  D0 H 4h  d d 4,tL| `zAB I8AB P!AB C(pУ D  F AB D`AB @AB F0TAB DFAB D AB F,AB ILAB IIl@AB BPAB O<AB @_AB AB F@9AB DAD D4GAB L`NAB dAAB  |AB FIFCAB )AB AB F0=AB pAB  `AB F@PFAB D\UAB F|AB NI gAB AFFpCB $ED  AB IFF AB ,AB JGLAB FlAB EAB BCiAB DiAB ^AG FP AB  `AD OEF4 0AB LP`AB dAB IpAB IWAG FI|AB pAB I0rAB FzAG D80AAB PeAB D lgAB AFF`_AB AB F`9AB DAD D0gAB 2AB 0_AB H@AB Eh9AB DjAB ,AB {AB D0AB AB NHAB NI(kAB @ AG X AG pAB  FAB  pgAB AFFGAB 0#AB `AB  7AB $ @4AB D@ 5AB D\ _AB t AB F 9AB D P/AB  )AB  AB I `WAB  AB I 8 PAB NFE\ 0CAB t AB NI kAB  AB NI kAB  PCAB  AB NI cAB @  ohO V l: ooooodoo9Jp`0?ཻ P@һ P:DòS0@EPToP@p0kٳ ppk 8p-ϸ`XApƲջ5<P0iв߻0p4D`:КŻ@<,>/>O#oO)OIIO-.O22OooOO..OO9oOEOEOB??@>@`A @>>=C C @PP@@.`#7@AAB B@B`B=DBB >@@AB ADDC@D`DA DD`@C`C?@ o  P`PpI00?2`20`  @! 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