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(%.17g) string value (number value (%.17g) ?? flags %s dump_varsj == var_count%.*s: array, %ld elements unused variable %s: close failed (%s)make_for_looptokstarttokexpand#: %s:%d msgid msgstr "" get_src_bufsource file `%s' is emptyfunc_usefp->nameyyerrorgsubmsgid_plural msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" unterminated regexpunterminated stringtokkeyyylex`%s' is a gawk extension`%s' is a Bell Labs extensionPOSIX does not allow `%s'goto`goto' considered harmful! BEGINfunc_installpnamesdup_parmsstatement may have no effect`%s' used in %s actioncase_valuesuse of non-array as arrayinvalid subscript expressionsyntax errormemory exhaustedasortasortiatan2bindtextdomainclosecomplcosdcgettextdcngettextelsefflushgensublengthloglshiftmktimershiftsinsplitsprintfsqrtsrandstrtonumsystemsystimetolowerxortree->type == Node_K_printf || (tree->type == Node_builtin && tree->sub.nodep.r.pptr == do_sprintf)function `%s': parameter `%s' shadows global variablethere were shadowed variables.could not open `%s' for writing (%s)sending profile to standard errorfunction `%s' called with space between name and `(', or used as a variable or an arrayempty program text on command linecan't open source file `%s' for reading (%s)can't read sourcefile `%s' (%s)unexpected newline or end of string%d is invalid as number of arguments for %smatch: third argument is a gawk extension%s: string literal as last arg of substitute has no effect%s third parameter is not a changeable objectclose: second argument is a gawk extensionuse of dcgettext(_"...") is incorrect: remove leading underscoreuse of dcngettext(_"...") is incorrect: remove leading underscoresource file does not end in newlineunterminated regexp ends with `\' at end of file%s: %d: tawk regex modifier `/.../%c' doesn't work in gawkunterminated regexp at end of filebackslash not last character on linePOSIX does not allow operator `**='old awk does not support operator `**='POSIX does not allow operator `**'old awk does not support operator `**'operator `^=' is not supported in old awkoperator `^' is not supported in old awknumeric constant `%.*s' treated as octalnumeric constant `%.*s' treated as hexadecimalinvalid char '%c' in expression`%s' is not supported in old awkfunction `%s' called but never definedfunction `%s' defined but never called%s blocks must have an action parteach rule must have a pattern or an action partfunction `%s': can't use function name as parameter namefunction name `%s' previously defined`%s' is a built-in function, it cannot be redefinedfunction `%s': parameter #%d, `%s', duplicates parameter #%dregexp constant `//' looks like a C++ comment, but is notregexp constant `/%s/' looks like a C comment, but is not(yyvsp[(8) - (8)].nodeval)->sub.nodep.r.rptr->type == Node_expression_list`nextfile' is a gawk extension`return' used outside function contextplain `print' in BEGIN or END rule should probably be `print ""'`delete array' is a gawk extension`delete(array)' is a non-portable tawk extensionduplicate case values in switch body: %sDuplicate `default' detected in switch bodymultistage two-way pipelines don't workregular expression on right of assignmentregular expression on left of `~' or `!~' operatorregular expression on right of comparisonnon-redirected `getline' undefined inside END actioncall of `length' without parentheses is not portablecall of `length' without parentheses is deprecated by POSIXregexp constant for parameter #%d yields boolean valuebuiltin.csub_commonmb_indices\\\&obufwide_tolower_touppersubstr: length %g is not >= 1substr: length %g is not >= 0do_substrreason unknownstandard output%s to "%s" failed (%s)do_print%ld %d %d %d %d %d %dbufpdo_strftimeformat_treethe_argsi == num_args^ ran out for this one%s `%s' %*s%s/dev/stderr/dev/stdoutdo_matchprintf: no argumentscompl: received non-numeric argumentcompl(%lf): negative value will give strange resultscompl(%lf): fractional value will be truncatedxor: received non-numeric first argumentxor: received non-numeric second argumentxor(%lf, %lf): negative values will give strange resultsxor(%lf, %lf): fractional values will be truncatedor: received non-numeric first argumentor: received non-numeric second argumentor(%lf, %lf): negative values will give strange resultsor(%lf, %lf): fractional values will be truncatedand: received non-numeric first argumentand: received non-numeric second argumentand(%lf, %lf): negative values will give strange resultsand(%lf, %lf): fractional values will be truncatedrshift: received non-numeric first argumentrshift: received non-numeric second argumentrshift(%lf, %lf): negative values will give strange resultsrshift(%lf, %lf): fractional values will be truncatedrshift(%lf, %lf): too large shift value will give strange resultslshift: received non-numeric first argumentlshift: received non-numeric second argumentlshift(%lf, %lf): negative values will give strange resultslshift(%lf, %lf): fractional values will be truncatedlshift(%lf, %lf): too large shift value will give strange resultsint: received non-numeric argumentgensub: third argument of 0 treated as 1`length(array)' is a gawk extensionlength: received non-string argumentsrand: received non-numeric argumentcos: received non-numeric argumentsin: received non-numeric argumentatan2: received non-numeric first argumentatan2: received non-numeric second argumenttoupper: received non-string argumentsubstr: start index %g is invalid, using 1substr: non-integer start index %g will be truncatedsubstr: non-integer length %g will be truncatedsubstr: length %g too big for string indexing, truncating to %gsubstr: source string is zero lengthsubstr: start index %g is past end of stringsubstr: length %g at start index %g exceeds length of first argument (%lu)tolower: received non-string argumentsystem: received non-string argumentmktime: received non-string argumentstrftime: received non-string first argumentstrftime: received empty format stringstrftime: received non-numeric second argumentsqrt: received non-numeric argumentsqrt: called with negative argument %g`$' is not permitted in awk formatsarg count with `$' must be > 0arg count %ld greater than total number of supplied arguments`$' not permitted after period in formatno `$' supplied for positional field width or precisionmust use `count$' on all formats or none`l' is meaningless in awk formats; ignored`l' is not permitted in POSIX awk formats`L' is meaningless in awk formats; ignored`L' is not permitted in POSIX awk formats`h' is meaningless in awk formats; ignored`h' is not permitted in POSIX awk formats[s]printf: value %g is out of range for `%%%c' format[s]printf: format specifier does not have control lettertoo many arguments supplied for format stringnot enough arguments to satisfy format stringlog: received non-numeric argumentlog: received negative argument %gindex: received non-string first argumentindex: received non-string second argumentfflush: cannot flush: pipe `%s' opened for reading, not writingfflush: cannot flush: file `%s' opened for reading, not writingfflush: `%s' is not an open file, pipe or co-processexp: received non-numeric argumentexp: argument %g is out of rangematch: third argument is not an arrayreference to uninitialized field `$%d'AA_Bccccccccccbbbbbbbccccccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccַ޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷߸޷޷޷y޷޷޷޷*********޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷8޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷)޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷޷ؽEؽ޷޷޷޷H޷޷޷޷9޷޷%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Yformat_tree0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef0 AA?Memory exhaustedUnfinished \ escapeunfinished repeat countmalformed repeat countUnbalanced [Unbalanced (POSIXNo syntax specifiedUnbalanced ):alpha:]:upper:]:lower:]:digit:]:xdigit:]:space:]:punct:]:alnum:]:print:]:graph:]:cntrl:]:blank:](($$$$$$$///$OOO( !!!!!!!Soo!Z - - t-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,--.].o/,,/,,.........,,., /4/,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s2,,,b00,20,/,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s2,,,2;-MPV0_hq{pP0ext.cparm_namesmake_builtinvnamesfunction `%s' defined to take no more than %d argument(s)function `%s': missing argument #%dfunction `%s': argument #%d: attempt to use scalar as an arrayfunction `%s': argument #%d: attempt to use array as a scalarextension: missing function nameextension: illegal character `%c' in function name `%s'extension: can't redefine function `%s'extension: function `%s' already definedextension: can't use gawk built-in `%s' as function nameextension: function name `%s' previously defined`extension' is a gawk extensionextension: cannot open `%s' (%s) extension: library `%s': cannot call function `%s' (%s) field.cgrow_fields_arrNF != -1opsrebuild_record[%c ]set_FIELDWIDTHSinit_fieldsNF set to negative valuedatabufset_recordsplit: second argument is not an arraysplit: null string for third arg is a gawk extensionnull string for `FS' is a gawk extension`FIELDWIDTHS' is a gawk extensioninvalid FIELDWIDTHS value, near `%s'rebuild_recordset_NFxmallocposix/gawkmisc.ccan't stat fd %d (%s)AWKBUFSIZEexact.:/usr/share/awk%s %s `%s': could not set close-on-exec: (fcntl: %s)io.cohregister_open_hookcpspec_setupiopiop_allocdata file `%s' is emptyiop->buf/dev/file `%s' is a directory/inet/grow_iop_bufferrecm.rt_start != ((void *)0)recm.start != ((void *)0)tcp/udp/raw/local port invalid in `/inet'AWKPATHtrypathdo_pathopen rwto/fromsocketfull_indexpty_vs_pipe%s%.*spty/dev/ptmx/dev/pty%c0/dev/pty%c%xr+ptemldterm-c/bin/shclose of pipe failed (%s)>>|<|&rpredirectcannot open pipe `%s' (%s)close of `%s' failed (%s).can't redirect from `%s' (%s)can't redirect to `%s' (%s)IOP_IS_TTYIOP_IS_INTERNALIOP_NO_FREEIOP_NOFREE_OBJIOP_AT_EOFIOP_CLOSEDIOP_AT_START/dev/fd//dev/stdin/dev/pid/dev/ppid/dev/pgrpid/dev/userRED_FILERED_PIPERED_READRED_WRITERED_APPENDRED_NOBUFRED_EOFRED_TWOWAYRED_PTYRED_SOCKETRED_TCPmulticharacter value of `RS' is a gawk extensionclose of fd %d (`%s') failed (%s)could not open `%s', mode `%s'cannot open file `%s' for reading (%s)use `PROCINFO[...]' instead of `/dev/user'error reading input file `%s': %scould not allocate more input memoryno (known) protocol supplied in special filename `%s'special file name `%s' is incompletemust supply a remote hostname to `/inet'must supply a remote port to `/inet'remote host and port information invalid/inet/raw client not ready yet, sorry/inet/raw server not ready yet, sorryerror writing standard output (%s)error writing standard error (%s)pipe flush of `%s' failed (%s).co-process flush of pipe to `%s' failed (%s).file flush of `%s' failed (%s).close: redirection `%s' not opened with `|&', second argument ignoredfailure status (%d) on pipe close of `%s' (%s)failure status (%d) on file close of `%s' (%s)no explicit close of socket `%s' providedno explicit close of co-process `%s' providedno explicit close of pipe `%s' providedno explicit close of file `%s' providedclose: second argument must be `to' or `from'close: `%.*s' is not an open file, pipe or co-processclose of redirection that was never openedclose of master pty failed (%s)close of stdout in child failed (%s)moving slave pty to stdout in child failed (dup: %s)close of stdin in child failed (%s)moving slave pty to stdin in child failed (dup: %s)close of slave pty failed (%s)moving pipe to stdout in child failed (dup: %s)moving pipe to stdin in child failed (dup: %s)invalid tree type %s in redirect()expression in `%s' redirection only has numeric valueexpression for `%s' redirection has null string valuefilename `%s' for `%s' redirection may be result of logical expressionunnecessary mixing of `>' and `>>' for file `%.*s'can't open pipe `%s' for output (%s)cannot create child process for `%s' (fork: %s)can't open pipe `%s' for input (%s)can't open two way socket `%s' for input/output (%s)can't open two way pipe `%s' for input/output (%s)reached system limit for open files: starting to multiplex file descriptorstoo many pipes or input files openuse `PROCINFO["%s"]' instead of `%s'N{aG-t<FgBM]ix @      » λ get_a_recordػ %-8Usage: %s [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ... Usage: %s [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] %cprogram%c file ... POSIX options: GNU long options: -f progfile --file=progfile -F fs --field-separator=fs -v var=val --assign=var=val -W dump-variables[=file] --dump-variables[=file] -W lint[=fatal] --lint[=fatal] -W non-decimal-data --non-decimal-data -W profile[=file] --profile[=file] -W re-interval --re-interval -W source=program-text --source=program-text -W traditional --traditional To report bugs, see node `Bugs' in `gawk.info', which is section `Reporting Problems and Bugs' in the printed version. gawk is a pattern scanning and processing language. By default it reads standard input and writes standard output. Examples: gawk '{ sum += $1 }; END { print sum }' file gawk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd %s: `%s' argument to `-v' not in `var=value' form `%s' is not a legal variable name`%s' is not a variable name, looking for file `%s=%s'`-m[fr]' option irrelevant in gawk%s: option `-W %s' unrecognized, ignored empty argument to `--source' ignored%s: option requires an argument -- %c environment variable `POSIXLY_CORRECT' set: turning on `--posix'`--posix' overrides `--traditional'`--posix'/`--traditional' overrides `--non-decimal-data'running %s setuid root may be a security problem-Ft does not set FS to tab in POSIX awkcan't set binary mode on stdin (%s)can't set binary mode on stdout (%s)can't set binary mode on stderr (%s) -m[fr] val -W compat --compat -W copyleft --copyleft -W copyright --copyright -W exec=file --exec=file -W gen-po --gen-po -W help --help -W lint-old --lint-old -W posix --posix -W usage --usage -W version --version main.cENVIRONPROCINFOversioneuidegidgroup%d*dataadd_srcfloating point exceptionfatal error: internal errorTIDYMEMWHINY_USERS/usr/share/localegawk@(#)/dev/null-m option usage: `-m[fr] nnn'fatalinvalidawkprof.out+F:f:v:W;m:Dawk: bailing out near line 1 POSIXLY_CORRECTcould not find groups: %sinit_groupsetARGVARGCno program text at all!%.6gawkvars.outcompattraditionallintlint-oldposixnostalgiagen-ponon-decimal-dataprofilecopyleftcopyrightfield-separatorre-intervalsourcedump-variablesusagehelpexecFILENAMERLENGTHRSTARTARGINDERRNOmessagesU~9t t %l*u 3t 9u Cu J u [pcClCvF^fu sdovVuuSYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-%d Free Software Foundation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VV \$ cW1d u]PD tX  Y4 a0 Z G1h _@t `0H ^ G` Gx c G G@ G1 IUp [ b%s: %s:cmd. line:%d: FILENAME=%s FNR=%ld) fatal: error: warning: node.cn->sub.val.wsp != ((void *)0)nextfreemore_nodes(n->flags & (8|16)) != 0n->wstptrstr2wstr*ptrr->stptrdupnoder->wstptrr->ahname_strold != ((void *)0)backslash at end of stringmake_str_nodes->stptrformat_val346789POSIX does not allow `\x' escapesno hex digits in `\x' escape sequenceescape sequence `\%c' treated as plain `%c'````````````````````````````````p`````````````````````````````````````````````````p``````````````````'`5`?free_wstrstr2wstrcopynodeirandom: state info corrupted; not changed. random: not enough state (%ld bytes); ignored. ?*+|?re.cGAWK_NO_DFAdestmake_regexp()|*+?.^$\[]rp->pat.fastmap%s: /%s/t->type == Node_regexRE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_IN_LISTSRE_BK_PLUS_QMRE_CHAR_CLASSESRE_CONTEXT_INDEP_ANCHORSRE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPSRE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPSRE_DOT_NEWLINERE_DOT_NOT_NULLRE_HAT_LISTS_NOT_NEWLINERE_INTERVALSRE_LIMITED_OPSRE_NEWLINE_ALTRE_NO_BK_BRACESRE_NO_BK_PARENSRE_NO_BK_REFSRE_NO_BK_VBARRE_NO_EMPTY_RANGESRE_UNMATCHED_RIGHT_PAREN_ORDRE_NO_POSIX_BACKTRACKINGRE_NO_GNU_OPSRE_DEBUGRE_INVALID_INTERVAL_ORDRE_ICASERE_CARET_ANCHORS_HERERE_CONTEXT_INVALID_DUPRE_NO_SUBJ @3BRkx @) 2@JSire_updateregexec.cnum >= 0regcomp.cnode->next == ((void *)0)left > -1right > -1!((node->token.type) & 8)err == REG_ESPACEalphaalnumcntrlspaceblankgraphpunctxdigit_LC_ALLLC_CTYPELANGregs_allocated == 2regs->num_regs >= nregspmatch[0].rm_so == start@8@8d8@89@8@8@8s8s888s8@8@8@8o8Xcobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobscobobobcccdobobdobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobob+dobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobFdobobTdobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobdddde,ecGecccccfefefefefefefefefecceceeccecccccccccccccccccccc fcccccccc'fcJfcccccccccccccccccccckfcccfffaa!@޸I޸޸00w#oEvo SuccessNo matchInvalid regular expressionInvalid collation characterInvalid character class nameTrailing backslashInvalid back referenceUnmatched [ or [^Unmatched ( or \(Unmatched \{Invalid content of \{\}Invalid range endMemory exhaustedInvalid preceding regular expressionPremature end of regular expressionRegular expression too bigUnmatched ) or \),Hex D_re_search_stubcheck_matchingpop_fail_stackre_copy_regsparse_bracket_explink_nfa_nodes@(#)GNU Awk 3.1.5eval.c`BINMODE' is a gawk extensionwr # Function Call Stack: # %3d. %s # -- main -- curfcall >= 0fmt_listfmt_indexCONVnloops_active > 0unknown nodetype %dattempt to access field %dtype = %s list[j-1] == tloop_stackpush_forloopstatement has no effectfunction `%s' not definedfcallspush_argsfcalls[curfcall].stacktreelisttree_evalstrlistl->stptrinterpretnvaldivision by zero attemptedMALLOCTEMPPERMSTRINGNUMCURNUMBERMAYBE_NUMARRAYMAXEDFUNCFIELDINTLSTRWSTRCURNode_illegalNode_timesNode_quotientNode_modNode_plusNode_minusNode_cond_pairNode_subscriptNode_concatNode_expNode_preincrementNode_predecrementNode_postincrementNode_postdecrementNode_unary_minusNode_field_specNode_assignNode_assign_timesNode_assign_quotientNode_assign_modNode_assign_plusNode_assign_minusNode_assign_expNode_assign_concatNode_andNode_orNode_equalNode_notequalNode_lessNode_greaterNode_leqNode_geqNode_matchNode_nomatchNode_notNode_rule_listNode_rule_nodeNode_statement_listNode_switch_bodyNode_case_listNode_if_branchesNode_expression_listNode_param_listNode_K_ifNode_K_switchNode_K_caseNode_K_defaultNode_K_whileNode_K_forNode_K_arrayforNode_K_breakNode_K_continueNode_K_printNode_K_print_recNode_K_printfNode_K_nextNode_K_exitNode_K_doNode_K_returnNode_K_deleteNode_K_delete_loopNode_K_getlineNode_K_functionNode_K_nextfileNode_redirect_outputNode_redirect_appendNode_redirect_pipeNode_redirect_pipeinNode_redirect_inputNode_redirect_twowayNode_var_newNode_varNode_var_arrayNode_valNode_builtinNode_line_rangeNode_in_arrayNode_funcNode_func_callNode_cond_expNode_dynregexNode_hashnodeNode_ahashNode_array_refNode_BINMODENode_CONVFMTNode_FIELDWIDTHSNode_FNRNode_FSNode_IGNORECASENode_LINTNode_NFNode_NRNode_OFMTNode_OFSNode_ORSNode_RSNode_SUBSEPNode_TEXTDOMAINturning off `--lint' due to assignment to `LINT'BINMODE: arbitrary string value treated as "rw"bad `%sFMT' specification `%s'buffer overflow in genflags2str`IGNORECASE' is a gawk extensioncan't use function name `%s' as variable or arrayattempt to use array `%s' in a scalar contextreference to uninitialized variable `%s'attempt to field reference from non-numeric valueattempt to reference from null stringassignment is not allowed to result of builtin functionfor loop: array `%s' changed size from %ld to %ld during loop execution`break' outside a loop is not portable`break' outside a loop is not allowed`continue' outside a loop is not portable`continue' outside a loop is not allowed`next' cannot be called from a BEGIN rule`next' cannot be called from an END rule`nextfile' cannot be called from a BEGIN rule`nextfile' cannot be called from an END rulefunction `%s' called with more arguments than declaredreference to uninitialized argument `%s'concatenation: side effects in one expression have changed the length of another!assignment used in conditional contextdivision by zero attempted in `/='division by zero attempted in `%%='division by zero attempted in `%%'illegal type (%s) in tree_evalNode_final --- this should never appear@nUYib rrrrr rr  gl P     a lrr 5( '!))))*+5(m*))))))m(w&\&!!!!!!$$U(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!&!!&!*&!&%$$!!!5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(,+++ ,.,$@,X,,,,$$$,/.(.=--!-!-!----/.(.6. +-#'efgEFGget_curfunc_arg_countpop_fcallinterpretpop_forloop29>C J@QXbmrx#6IZjv'4=FQ^gv"/:JWgt(=Pey*5DQ^ox%c %c\%c\a" "\%03oprofile.cindent_level >= 0%6ld && || ! %s(for ( in %s) { %s %s' delete %s[] - ? : !~ %s = ++ ^= *= /= %%= += -= >= <= > < != == ^ * / %% + - --pp_list: got %s , $0 # %ldif () {} else { switch () { case default: do { } while (; in break continue delete %snext nextfile function %.*s() { } in %s! 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